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Children Need The Wild Things


Children on an errand ran.

Too pick wild berries was their plan.


They followed flights of fledgling hawks,

climbed twisted trees and ancient rocks,


heard birds chatter, sing and call,

floated sticks down a waterfall,


studied spiders moths and snakes,

waded in small streams and lakes,


buzzed with busy bumble bees,

saw squirrels saving seeds from trees,


passed a deer fawn fast asleep,

laughed at playful mountain sheep,


rested beneath trees weathered and old,

thought of stories old trees may hold,


smelled wild flowers, large and small,

marveled at mountains, steep and tall,


felt a gentle breeze blow by,

watched clouds changing in the sky,


As they journeyed the whole day thru,

each child forgot what they’d planned to do.


All tasks not done along the way,

are tasks to do another day.


In the life of every child,

there is a need for things still wild.



Laird Fetzer Hamblin


